
#105 - Resolutions...

Black steel, twisted and hard, encasing the bodies of these poor souls. The weight of the device bears down on the chest of one suffering man, sweat dripping from his brow as he endures the pain. Another woman, strapped onto some tool, stretching her body to and fro as she grimaces in agony. Torture devices as far as the eye can see, each imprisoning another wretched body. This may sound like I'm describing some medieval dungeon, but I'm not. I'm describing a horror far worse... the gym.

I seem to have gotten a handle on my eating habits. I've cut out the excess junk food, avoided fast food, brought whole grains into my life, consume more fruits and veggies, and watch my total calorie intake. This has allowed me to lose 75 pounds and maintain that lose for over a year. But now my weight won't seem to budge, and I know just the reason why... exercise. Even the word is like nails on the chalkboard to me. But without it, I just won't lose more weight (in a healthy, maintain it for life way, of course).

So once again tis the time of year for resolutions, and for probably the tenth straight year, exercise more is my New Year's resolution. That brings me to my reason... resolutions. Why is it that we save up things we want to do, especially things that are good for us, till the beginning of the new year? Health and fitness are something we should strive for year round, but it always seems to be something we put off. It's kind of like the idea that you can't start a diet mid-week (diets only start on Mondays of course). If we have some big looming goal, we put it off til the beginning of the year.

New Years resolutions are also an excuse to turn a blind eye to health during the holidays. The end of the year is laden with goodies, and feasts, and sweets. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years - all within two months time. Those two months can do a lot of damage if you're watching your weight! So it seems the resolution is a way for us to ditch the calorie counting, grab a fork, and overindulge. I'm not saying that's entirely a bad thing. Splurging from time to time is needed. But there is a difference between enjoying all the yummies at Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner without returning for seconds, or thirds, or fourths?... Honestly, that first plate was indulgence enough. I know in the past, when the holidays came, it was like, woo hoo, time to eat! At Halloween I would down enough fun-sized candy bars to put a diabetic into a coma. At Thanksgiving, I would gorge on turkey, and stuffing, and mashed potatoes, and gravy, and green bean casserole, and stuffing, and stuffing, and stuffing (can you tell I like stuffing?)... And if that wasn't enough, I would still make room for pie (apparently unzipping your pants helps in this process)... Oh and not just pumpkin, had to have both pumpkin AND pecan pie. And then at Christmas, it was like Thanksgiving take two, only this time add a stocking full of candy and a house full of Christmas cookies. I have this little odd autistic quirt about me... I have to do things in rounded numbers (I know, I'm weird). So take Christmas cookies, if I make 10 batches of Christmas cookies (10 different types), that means each time I want a cookie, I would have to eat 10 cookies... to even out the batches of course. Obesity and OCD... not a good combination in this case!

Anyway, back to my topic. While I hate that we use the ole New Year's resolution as an excuse for bad behavior throughout the year, I must say I am again making my resolution. I made one small step in the right direction already. My fiance and I joined the gym! (Oh yes, you read right... fiance! My beau of almost two years has asked me to marry him!) But here's where the resolution comes in... we joined the gym in November... and have yet to go! So this year, we're hoping to go (no no wrong word, scratch that)... we're starting to go to the gym regularly. Of course, I know my style. If I don't ease into it, I'll be scared away after a week! So we'll take it slow and start going like twice a week and build from there in frequency and duration to help us make ourselves healthier for the new year. It will be nice to have a gym buddy to help motivate me to go. Once he gets going, my fiance likes exercise (yeah I know, weird), so that will help a lot!

On that note, Happy New Year everyone! May this year bring you a life with happiness and good health! So what's your New Year's resolution?


Widow_Lady302 said...

Happy New Year my friend! I laughed outloud about your description of a gym...I have over the last 15ish years of my life thought of the gym in those exact terms. I've thought of the people who haunt gyms everyday as either gym rats, or testosterone junkies. My personal work out mantra is "No Pain...No pain." rather than no pain no gain...

This year, I know I need to make some changes. I have watched the people I love, who did not take working out as a part of their healthy life style, literally pay with their lives. So in honor of them, and knowing they wouldn't want me to follow in their footsteps, I am taking the next step on my health path...I WILL join and actually go to a gym this year. I'm looking at this as a lifestyle change, not a resolution I'll burn out on.

Thank you for the wonderful post, and inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your engagement!

Enjoy the gym, it is so much more fun when you have a workout partner.

Sophia said...

Hi everyone,
If you liked this video I am sure you will like my new blog!!! The address is: http://sophiasparkle.blogspot.com/, and it's a spot for fashion, makeup, and my weight loss journey! The more I'm followed, the more I'll post!
(=^_^=) Sophia

Marianne said...

Happy New Year, and good luck with your fitness endeavors! I hate the gym (the mindless conversations, and all the time you waste getting ready for it, the skinny chicks complaining that they're fat), but I admire those who have the willpower.

Anonymous said...

Beau of two years? What about Vagilis? I hope I'm spelling his name right. I don't think that was two years ago but I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

is she back!...no...how bout now?...no. wait, yes! a post! yeah!

Anonymous said...

My best advice (as someone who has been a regular at the gym for 5 years) is PACE YOURSELF. It makes me sad when everyone joins in January and then by Valentine's Day it's back to normal. Set realistic goals (3x/week, if that) and if you don't go one day, don't say "Oh well, I messed up, no more gym" - just re-resolve to get back on track the following week. I promise eventually you'll start to like it, plus you'll sleep better, be less stressed out, have better sex, have better skin and be happier in general. Don't give up. Good luck and happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I love it!! Your description of the gym is hysterical. My New Years resolution is to lose weight AGAIN that I gained back...

Good luck with your exercise :)

Lara said...

Awesome blog. I love weight loss blogs and communities and connecting with those interested in fitness! Have you heard of Kirstie Alley's new microblogging diet and fitness site called Phitter.com? Just joined, it's pretty cool. I get to socialize the fitness community. http://bit.ly/7OffiN

Lisa K. said...

Hi, just found this and love it!

My reason to hate being fat is that I am embarrassed to have old friends see me now. I declined a recent party because I knew there would be people who had not seen me in a few years there. Ugh! reason enough to get back on the wagon!

Becky said...

The gym - I've always thought of it as hell on earth. I also got a membership to our local rec center and I have been using it. Like you I have to ease into it or I wont go at all. Your blog gives me a lot of motivation to lose the 50 lbs I need to lose.

rissierissie said...

I think that we save things for a new year's resolution because we like to compartmentalize things. The truth is that January 1st is no different than December 1st but it's the start of something new and we should be able to be new with the year!

Besides, who's ever heard of birthday resolutions?

Eric said...
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Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I've just started mine and I hope to continue to use your blog as inspiration


Jason said...

Great blog you have here. Very inspirational. I have a site as well which I hope will be a top resource for those looking for the motivation they need in order to lose weight. There are very little sites like ours out there.

I'd like to exchange links with you. Please let me know if this is possible under the "Best Weight Loss Websites" page. Until then, keep up the good work.


Tatulah said...

congrats on your engagement & happy new year to you as well.

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog as for me. I'd like to read a bit more about this topic. Thanx for sharing this info.
Joan Stepsen
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Anonymous said...

Food tastes good, that is why it is so easy to overeat! For anyone who is overweight, water should become your drink of choice. The best way to lose weight and to become healthier is to take responsibility for yourself! Our health is our most important asset. For many people, being overweight is associated with being uncomfortable in their own skin. To assist with weight control; keep a daily food journal and every time the urge to snack is felt, first drink a large glass of clear water. This simple act will help you to eat less. Water hydrates you, suppresses your appetite, helps you to feel full, and metabolizes fat cells. Water will soon become one of your best friends. The major reason so many people in America are overweight is because we eat too much for comfort! It does not hurt to treat ourselves with something special once in a while, what is necessary is that we limit our portions and do not overeat! It is also necessary to keep our body properly hydrated, so drink a full glass of water with each meal or snack. Being overweight ******, but after reading a book, I lost 85 pounds! Words can not express how good I feel! This is a comment which I recently received about the book Lose Weight Using Four Easy Steps

Michellez said...

The gym is really not that bad. I usually go on the elliptical and it's not tiring at all and you can burn up to 300 calories in 30 minutes. And I would recommend also just going out walking 3 times a week after dinner. It helps digest the food and you'll be surprised how effective it is in helping to lose weight!

The Fat Lady Sings said...

Hello, I'm very new at reading blogs, like tonight....but reading some of your entries inspired me to start one. I'm just trying to figure out how this site works, but wanted to leave you a comment.

Anonymous said...

I just went through your entire blog and I want to congratulate you. It's not easy doing what you did and persevere for so long.

Honestly, I'm probably one of those people that "complain about being fat even though they're not" - I'm 5'3 and 140 pounds and I know to many people that is considered perfectly normal. But to make it fair, in my mind, it is horribly overweight. 95% of the girls I know are around the 110 mark and I weigh more than some of my male friends which is always embarrassing. My parents are always sneaking in offhanded remarks about how much I 'stretch out my clothes' or 'have a big appetite', not to mention the media and popular culture bombarding my undeveloped brain with size 0 'perfectly shaped' waifs.

I know all this, yet I still want to be thin to the extent that I would starve myself. It's stupid, I know, but I just feel that if I could be thin I would feel more beautiful and it would just solve so many things in my life, including my horrible self esteem problem. On my worst days, I feel like I have no right to live, and from an outsider point of view it's very disappointing what the effects of media and social pressure can do to the mind of an intelligent woman - instead of focusing on what I'm good at and my strengths, I feel like I'm undermined by my weight. I'm constantly worrying about my weight, how I look, and imperfections to the point it hinders my everyday life. There's always this little voice at the back of my head that tells me I'm a failure if I'm not thin like http://twistedstars.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/normal_gallery_10_1023_59241.jpg or something.

But hey, what right do I have to complain? I'm probably just another 'stupid teenager soon to be part of the statisitics for eating disorders' or something. You know what they say, your own problems are always the biggest in your eyes.

I just feel so helpless.

Token Fat Girl said...

Happy New Year! We are a month in...
I totally agree about the end of the year feasting + resolutions. Kind of counterproductive.

It's now February! what? I hope the gym is treating you and your body well!

prashant said...

I'd like to read a bit more about this topic. Thanx for sharing this info.
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Melinda said...

Hey, it's been a while since you last posted. I can't wait till #106, hurry up and post it! :)

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Anonymous said...

I think if you truly want to lose weight you should go on a seven day water fast i.e. not eating. It will help you gain clarity and you should fast longer than that if you can. You won't feel hungry, and contrary to popular belief it isn't starving!! Your body will use all the excess fat as energy, and you'll lose weight really quickly.

kat said...

i SO appreciate your genuine honesty. its so refreshing and needed. <3

empower me photo guy said...

Building it up slowly at the gym really is the best way to go, if you try too hard in the first week you'll just burn out and never go again. Don't be afraid to talk to the staff there, sure they might seem super toned, lean, and intimidating because of it, but they'll be able to point you in the right direction and show you the best workouts for your height and weight. Best of luck!

Bob West said...

Good news here ...


Sushie said...

Yes, exercice is THE big thing to do is people want to lose a goodamount of weight!
Huhu, your description about gym recalls me an episode of The Simpsons with Homer who don't want to do gym and want to be obese xD.
Anyway, good luck for your diet!

tim said...

Losing 75 pounds is an amazing accomplishment! Congrats!!!

I'm stuck at about 45.

It's funny, I look at exercise and working out as a reward for losing the weight. I was at a point where I couldn't enjoy any physical activity like hiking. I'm now hiking every weekend.

Here is a secret that exercisers don't tell you - it's actually FUN and pleasurable once you get past the initial "THIS COMPLETELY SUCKS" phase.

Push past that phase, try different things you enjoy and you'll find it easier to exercise than to not exercise.

Christina said...

I have read all of your posts and you have really motivated me to lose weight. I have recently started a blog for my own personal weight loss in hopes of having success like yours.


I would love any advice you can give me. Thanks.

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Trevor Philbrook said...

Maybe check out my blog too: www.100PoundsGoal.com

Wishing you the best!

Bhupi said...

Oh very informative articles, keep up the good work :)


Thomas S. Moore said...

Love the post!

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Anonymous said...

good news that you joined the gym!

Stela said...

Well i love to know more tips regarding to weight loss so that i can share it for those who are looking for losing their extra pounds. In fact i have written some blogs but always wonders for extra and fresh information that is helpful for me and other. Thanks a lot for such a great blog. Well done.

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Terryman said...

Love this post!Thanks alot for sharing.Let lose weight now.God bless you.Amen
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Best slimming said...

Thank you for sharing!
Check out www.daysslim.com for more methods on diet, exercise and physician-guided weight loss programs.

Weightloss Motivation said...

Many peolpe make NY resolutions but few can achieve it. Congrats on being among the few who really take actions!


Mary said...

Thanks for the great post... informative and entertaining,
I like it alot!
Keep up the good work!!

check out healthyweight.mywwsite.com


Jill Duggan Karen Hanover said...

For me, i like the idea of setting a resolution. It will fuel your determination to pursue your goals throughout the year.

Alex said...

You shouldn't be taking resolutions on any special day. Just start today and it'll work out.

Alex from how many calories to lose weight

Kevin said...

Post is very interesting and weight loss is at top most priority and for those who are serious regarding weight loss, this post is very beneficial.

jagdish said...

This year, I know I need to make some changes. I have watched the people I love, who did not take working out as a part of their healthy life style, literally pay with their lives. So in honor of them, and knowing they wouldn't want me to follow in their footsteps,

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Bradley Fernandez said...

thanks for this information
my blog www.eatingandexercises.blogspot.com

Joe565 said...

I always make resolutions....but I never stick to them :(


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Unknown said...

I make atleast 3 every year on 1st January but always last about 6 days ha ha.


Anonymous said...

I do not bother anymore lol. I know they will be broken straight away. x


rachel grishe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This is just great, can't wait to have you back!


Anonymous said...

Awesome info guys, you really have hit the nail on the head here.


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