I found a better before pic of myself. It was taken at Halloween, so you must forgive the costume - hehe. I was a hanged Salem witch, a very buxom Salem witch lol. Anyway, I think this is a much better pic that shows me at my highest weight - 352, and it also helps to show what a 50 pound loss looks like when compared to my new pic.

OK, OK, you asked, you begged, and now I'll deliver. A lot of you have wanted to see progress pics of my journey. I've been hesitant to post any pictures of myself. I hate having my picture taken, ok who doesn't? And so far the only real life pic I've showed you is my profile pic - me at 3 years old. :)
Anyway, I thought today would be the day that I would share some pics with you. I really had to search for a before pic. Like I said I hate having my pic taken, so I really didn't find many fat fat pics of myself. But I searched high and low and finally found one.
So, why today? Why did I finally decide to show you pics? Well I had to mark today with something special. You see, today I got on the scale, and was amazed that I hit the 50 pounds lost mark! Can you believe it? This is the first time in my life when I've lost 50 pounds without following some crazy plan, or taking pills, or having surgery. I did it all on my own!! I still have a long way to go, but at least I've made some serious progress! It's taken me 10 months to lose 50 pounds. So it's been slow, but pretty steady.

Personally, I don't see a huge difference in the pics, but my clothes size really shows the difference. I used to wear a very tight 28, now I'm comfortable in loose 22's. I don't have the best before pic, so maybe you can't see the difference either, but trust me, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER now 50 pounds less! I guess with this post I just wanted to show you that if you work at it anyone can lose weight. You don't need some crazy diet or even surgery. Just be persistent, eat less, move more, and most of all keep a positive outlook. I'm on my way to my goal. It's a good start and I know I have a long road ahead me yet, but I won't let this get me down. In fact, it motivates me even more to know that I've accomplished what I have all on my own. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I see a healthy weight in my future. I know that I can do it! And if I can do it, so can you! Good luck and keep working hard!
hey! I've been a lurker for a while, I've read every single one of your post, and some have made me laugh and some dang near tears. just wanted you to know I think your doind agreat job!
Even if you can't see the difference, I certainly can. Keep it up, girl!
I think you look GREAT! Good for you!
I found your blog a few days ago, and have now read all of your posts! You're so honest and straightforward, and you're doing an awesome job!
i think you look awesome and you can TOTALLY see the difference between then and now (esp. in your face and legs)... and 50 pounds in 10 months is great! that's like 5 pounds a month and 1 pound a week - the perfect rate! keep up the great work! :o)
You look great and are doing an amazing job. I LOVE your website!!!! So many of your "reasons" hit home!
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on such a good loss! I can't even imagine what I'll do when I hit that mark.
Second, you can definitely tell a difference between the two photos! You look fabulous! You can totally see that you have more self confidence and you seen so much happier!
Good job!
Like a lot of the others, I recently discovered your blog and can totally relate to every thing you say. I think you look great. Truly an inspiration!!
I can see the difference! Congrats! How do you feel, now that you are not carrying 50 pounds around now? Keep up the good work!
you look gr8t! and most of all you look happy..keep it up and all the best
You look fantastic! There is DEFINITELY a difference, no doubt about it. Congratulations on your hard work and accomplishment. I hope you are proud of yourself, because you really should be! Thanks for the inspiration!
I'm another lurker who has been reading your blog for a while. :)
CONGRATULATIONS on hitting the 50 pounds lost mark! That's a great accomplishment and you should be very proud! And as all the others said - you look great! And I can definitely see a difference too. Keep up the good work!
Fantastic changes!! Well done!
There are a lot of differences in the pics Girl... as Jodi said face and legs...you did a great job Congratulations keep the good work going on...
Keep it up! I can see a differnce in your photos. I like you, have trouble seeing what others see as we live with ourselves everyday. But, I bet people you don't see everyday are noticing. I lost 80-pounds in 10-months, so I understand the slow and steady approach. Although my own journey really began with a terrible life threatning condition, I aimed my sights at good health, not just weight loss, but boy did all the benfits come along with it. I also approached my goals naturally, with no fad dieting (not I hadn't done much of that in my lifetime), no magical pills and no personal trainer! I have a blog (started about 5 weeks ago) to share my story and encourage others. I have included a link below. Keep pushing forward!
Josh - Agent of Change
Hi, just stumbled across your blog and think I am hooked already. Have read some of the posts and will be back to trawl the archives. I'm also trying to loss weight and am charting my progress on my blog at www.veritysworld.blogspot.com. Good luck, we can do it! x
That's so awesome! Yay for 50 pounds!
I had lost about 70 pounds and my best friend claimed, "I think you'll *really* be able to see a difference with the next 30." Wow. It stung a little, but the difference between 70 and 90 was actually pretty big, in my opinion. Of course, now I've put back on about 8 pounds, but that's a story for another time.
I think you look great!
I am doing the happy dance and waving pom poms in celebration with you!!!!! Lady Rose (80ish lost so far, only 60ish to go!)
Way to go! 50lbs is a great accomplishment.
Wow, you look fantastic! and there is indeed a difference.Congratulations, you rock!!
WTG!!!! I do see a difference in the pics! Keep up the great work!
Congratulations. I admire and respect the hard work it took to get where you are now. I am also quite envious. I wish I had it in me to do the same. You should be so very proud.
you flabuless girl you...I betta watchit...soon you will be stealing my name...lol...well done...drop by http://www.findingflabuless.com/blog when you get a chance we would love to see you.
:) flabuless
Amazing! There is such a difference! You should be sooooo proud! I just stumbled on your blog and I plan to keep an eye on you if you don't mind! Please keep up the great work - and the great blog! Take care.
Miss "kitty"-
I don't know if this is PC, but you look HOTT. AS someone who has struggled with weight my whole life [and worked my butt off just to drop 50 pounds last year], I know what you've gone through. Congrats, you're in my "BlogCatalog" neighborhood, and I'm looking forward to catching up on entries old and new.
-Mike Riley
You look kick-arse happy, confident, smart and free!
Congratulations! That is awesome and inspiring! Keep up the good work!
Great work!!! We all see the rewards of your hard work.
Excellent!! Excellent!!! Excellent!! (o;
I just found your blog and I'll keep checking in. You're doing so well!! (o:
WOW - you're one gorgeous kitty!
I know how excruciatingly hard it is to even begin on a weight loss journey, and you've had the strength and determination to keep going. You're amazing and an inspiration to me.
Good luck with all your goals -- with an attitude like yours, it's impossible to fail :)
I can see a lot of difference in your two photos. Keep up with the good work. I have been doing the same. It isn't easy is it? This last week my kids were all with me because my husband was out of town. Just cooking all the things that they eat that I won't eat was hard.
But it is worth it every single step of the way. I just got in from biking for an hour with my son Charlie, who is 7 and has autism.
There is no doubt that he is a much happier kid now than he was two hours ago and a couple of months ago I could not even HOPE to be able to bike with him. It is so worth it!
Congrats on hitting 50! You look great, and I can attest to that doubly seeing as I'm lucky enough to get to see you in person once in a while :)
Personally I think you looked better before you lost the weight.
I weigh 364lbs and I love gaining every pound of it. I love fat and I love being fat, there are heaps of people who think fat=sexy!
There is such thing as a fat fetish. I personally think you should just learn to love your body.
I love mine, even though I want to gain more.
You look great! Keep it up!
I'm ANOTHER person who's been lurking a little while! But had to comment this time. You do look so great!
You and i are about the same size now, and i am going to keep checking your progress to help keep me on track! Just what i need!
You're blog really is great, i'm not suprised you've won an award. The best thing is the way you write in plain english. No doubt you're intelligent, as people reading the blog seem to be. But no one wants to struggle trying to read a blog. Normal life, told by normal people, in a normal way, is far more interesting. The blog is so accessible, unlike so many wanky one's all over the place!
I can see the difference between the two photos, two. In the most recent one, you look happy and positive and like you believe you can do almost anything. 50 pounds gone is fantastic - and so is your attitude in posting.
Best wishes to you - love your 101 reasons :)
~ Salma
yeah, yeah, i'm several days late here...but whoa! you can definitely see a difference. you are looking H-O-T!!!
congratulations! what an amazing accomplishment....i plan to run through the streets nekkid when i hit 50lbs lost.....a deserted street...in the middle of the country......at 3am. but a streed nonetheless!!!!
stumbled across your blog tonight - great job! and yes, you can see the difference in the photos ~ keep it up! =) i have blogrolled you and will definitely be back! have a great weekend!
It's nice to be able to put a face to the writer. I can tell the difference in the pics for sure and you are looking great!! 50 lbs that is awesome.
you don't even know how inspiring this post was. I keep thinking I won't look any different when I hit around 265 (I'm about 315 now). You look great, thank you for this encouragement, it's really what I needed to see today.
You look so wonderful. You can really see the progress you've made. You can see it especially around the hips and thighs (and those are a hard place to lose it, girl!).
Keep up the good work. Just remember, even if you're on a plateau, it's good training for maintenance.
Incredible progress! Good for you Keep it up. If you ever need some nutritional advice for free, email me. Best Of Luck.
Looking great! Congratulations! I can also see the difference. What a motivation! I've been reading (and loving) all your reasons for quite a while now, but this is the first post... so this is how impressed I am ;o) Thank you, and good luck!
I TOTALLY see a difference!
I just found your blog. I'm starting on a similar journey. I think your "101 reasons" idea is so creative and I'm pumped to read more!
you look phenomenal!
you write an inspirational blog that a lot of us can identify with - thank you so much for sharing :)
I dont know what number it was, but I really identified with your comments about THINKING all those fat thoughts...a MILLION times a day I probably think about my clothes/how they fit/were they looser tighter than yesterday/what size is my butt now, how come my thighs hang over the edge of the chair ...and yet STILL do everything else in my life.
What would occupy that space, if I were not fat??
hi, i was just perusing the internet and found this, its amazing what you have done, i really want to be able to do the same sort of thing, im 16 i weigh in at about 17 stone and im a size 22 and rising, i really need to sort something out, and its nice to know that other poeple are in the same postition. so thanks :)
God you're fat. I can't see a difference. How can you breathe? Do you sweat when you get out of bed? When was the last time you saw your feet?
Fat people disgust me. You people have no self-restraint or ability to work hard. I hope you lose your weight but remember until you do you're nothing but a slobbery pig!
You look great! Congratulations on the weight that you have lost. I am struggling to loose weight and I feel like giving up all the time.
I just found your blog tonight. Congrats on your loss. :) It is definitely a big achievement, no pun intended.
I've lost about 60lbs over the last five years and kept it off(362-300) though I don't know tht I have been quite as steadfast as you have.
People can lose weight without surgery or crazy diets and I'd like to thank you for putting this blog up to let people know that it is possible. I see so many people hurt their bodies to be thin and it hurts me to watch.
You're doing amazing with your weight loss, Dahling!
Keep up the fabulous efforts...I too am going through this same journey with you. It's a harsh road with lots of delightful benefits at the end. I'm lucky to have stumbled upon this website of yours...I now have higher hopes for myself & the will to reach my goal. I weigh over 200 lbs...so we totally share the same goal here. Give me a shout if you should need some extra cheering. My email is susang@wmdewey.com
I could always use extra advice or cheer myself.
Have a great day :)
heylo. Im lauren
i just thought i'd let you know that looking at your pictures, you've improved so much. Im 15 & a vegetarian. I've ben wanting to loose weight for so long, buit i can never stick to it. Have you any idea's how i can help myself? email me at x-xblood-shot-eyes-and-fluorescent-lightsx-x@hotmail.com. Thanks :)
Keep up the great work. Im also very sorry top hear about vagelis. There will be many more oportunities for a perfect relationship :)
You are a true inspiration! I hope that you are able to get through this hard time in your life.
You are doing great! I have over one-hundred pounds to lose which have gradually crept up on me in over 8 years. Gaining 50 since my Mom died in Sept. of 05. I have alot of pain and gain. Hopefully I will get motivated to start losing, moving and organizing my life. At 52 I need a extreme makeover home and health. I always complain I don't have money but always have money for candy. Wish me luck.........
thank you nice sharing
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You really are a wonderful and creative writer. You really should think about publishing this blog into a book...it really would be a humerous, emotional and an inspiration to those who read it. I know I would be the first ones to buy it!!! Think about it, huh?? Luvs, Nicky, from Austin, TX YEEHAW!!!
Wow! What a difference! I know it feels like you have a long way to go and thank you for posting the pictures! You are an inspiration! :)
WOW! You can really tell how much weight you've lost! I really enjoy reading your posts, they make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me think, they make me want to give you a hug! So I'm sending virtual hugs your way....don't get discouraged! You are doing so well, keep it up!!
Hi! I just found your blog while I was looking for some place to express myself about being fat. Since little I have been fighting being fat and sometimes I have been very skinny however right now I'm at my worst. Anyhow... I just want to congratulate you !! It's amazing what you have done !!
I think you site is amazing! Good luck on your endeavors with the weight loss. I to am trying to shed a few extra pounds. I found a wonderful plan that allows me to eat what I like. Check out www.myjourneytothin.com.
wow, you should be very proud, you have already made such a huge change, it is so obvious in these pictures. I just learned of your site today, and look forward to following your journey.
you look great! and to be honest ur after looks more like 240 than 302! you carry your weight "well"~
Looking good mate! Keep it up!!
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No way you are 300 lbs there, you hide it well, like me.
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